Land Part of Malthouse Farm, Laugharne, Carmarthenshire
Construction of a Livestock Shed and Associated Infrastructure
Construction of a Livestock Shed and Associated Infrastructure
Use of Existing Waste Wood Recycling Yard as a Material Recovery & Recycling Facility (MRF), including the Construction of Two Portal Framed Operational Sheds
Residential Development (affordable) and associated infrastructure
Proposed Residential Development on land off Cwmamman Road, Glanamman
Proposed Industrial Unit at the well-established Parc Hendre Industrial Estate, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire
Construction of 30no. Dwellinghouses, with Formation of Estate Road and Associated Infrastructure.
Formation of a 1MW Solar Park on Land at Tyddyn Teg, Llannon, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire
Proposed Construction of 12 Industrial Units (B1 and B8 use) in Llanllwch, Carmarthen
A development of two storey semi detached houses and semi detached and detached bungalows.
Proposed Construction of a three storey building containing one bedroom and two bedroom apartments.